Giving at PGC

Your generosity helps support the mission and vision of the church in action, reproducing disciples of Jesus. We believe God's people are to be His hands and feet, serving both their communities and the world for His glory. We appreciate your financial partnership and support that allows us to continue our work to present everyone complete in Christ. 

Thank you!

Ways to Give

We have several different means by which you can contribute financially to the church

  • Stop in to the office, Monday-Thursday, 9am-3pm and drop off a check or cash
  • Mail check or cash to Peninsula Grace Church, 44175 K-Beach Road Soldotna, AK 99669
  • We have a secure box in the back of our worship center for in-person giving during our Sunday gatherings.

Our online giving does involve a small fee that is taken out of the donation (you'll also have the option of giving  a smidge more to cover the fee).

  • Credit / Debit Card: 2.9% plus a $0.30 transaction fee.
  • ACH Bank Transfer: 1% plus $0.25 transaction fee.

Reccuring Gifts

Find out how to utilize our giving app, Breeze, to set up recurring gifts, set up your payment information, and keep track of your giving for tax purposes

Connect to Breeze