Here are some faith-based events happening around our community. Contact if you have any questions.
community Events
community Events
Here are some faith-based events happening around our community. Contact if you have any questions.
Sept 21 | 8:45am - 3pm | College Hieghts
Women's Simulcast
Join College Heights Church for a simulcast with Priscilla Shrier. $35 registration fee with breakfast and lunch provided. Scan the QR code to register.
Sept 28 | 6:00pm | Cent Pen Mall
Community Worship
Join other Christians from our community to worship the Lord together. This event is hosted by the Foundation Church, which meets in the Central Peninsula Mall. Worship begins at 6pm.
Oct 18-19 | Fri 6-8:30pm | Sat 10-2:30
Shame no More
This fall South Central Parenting is offering a Shame No More Workshop October 18th & 19th at Peninsula Grace Church.
For the Shame No More Workshop Please scan the QR code for registration and the flyer for details. Registration is $35 per person. This covers the cost of the workbook and lunch on Saturday. There is no childcare for this workshop. Participants must be 18 years or older.
This workshop will be presented from a spiritual and Biblical perspective. It will be presented using a Video Series by Dr. Richard Shaw (Author of Shame No More) with group discussion led by Noah Shields LMFT-S LPC-S RPT™
Inside the hearts of every human, there is a place of silent brokenness. It stays silent because most of us don't know how to talk about it or what to do with it. It is the place that speaks to us of worthlessness and failure, keeping us bound to a narrative that we will never be good enough. This place of shame damages our own hearts and the hearts of those closest to us. But we are not created to be bound by our shame. We are designed to thrive in the freedom of GRACE. Healing, forgiveness, freedom, empowerment, and hope wait on the other side of our shame. You are invited to the path of grace.