Take a look at what we have going on each week at the church. Contact office@peninsulagrace.org if you have any questions.
Weekly Events
Weekly Events
Take a look at what we have going on each week at the church. Contact office@peninsulagrace.org if you have any questions.
Starting Sept 4th | 5:15 pm | Gym
Wed night
Mark your calendars for September 4th when our Wednesday Night Activities resume. For those wanting to get to know others better and grow deeper in their relationship with Christ, our Wednesday night classes provide the perfect opportunity. A free dinner starts at 5:15pm followed by classes at 6:00pm. Classes are for all ages and include: Kid's Discipleship, Jr High Youth Group, Women's Bible Study, Men's Bible Study, Roots Discipleship Track, and a Prayer Group.
Starting Sept 11
Roots Track
Are you seeking to become a healthy disciple-making disciple of Jesus? Join our one-year Foundations Track to root you in God’s Word for the fruit of practicing the truth in community as you continue to learn how to follow Jesus. The commitment is to three 8-week courses that will meet on Wednesday nights from September-April.
For more information including a Roots Track Overview, click HERE
Tuesdays | 6:30 pm
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12-Step recovery program for anyone struggling with Hurts, Hang-ups or Habits of any kind. Those attending are seeking freedom from abuse, addiction, anxiety, codependence, depression, divorce, loss, pornography, eating disorders and many more.
Join us every Tuesday at 6:30 pm in the Youth Center for Praise, Worship, Teaching and Testimonies of God’s healing.
For more information call Jackie Smith at 907-252-8656 or Dave Wiley at 907-740-8739
Tuesdays | 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Sonshine Park Days
Sonshine park is open for young ones to come and play. Bring your little ones and enjoy some adult conversations while the kids play inside or outside.
Wednesdays | 6:00-7:30pm | Prayer Rm
Prayer Group
Join together to pray for our church, community, world, and one another every Wednesday evening from 6:00-7:30pm. Meets in the gym Prayer Room.